How to use Maxgrip Mortar Patching Method

How to Use Drizoro Maxgrip Mortar for Patching method. Well the first thing to do is start with the

Surface preparation.

Surface should be clean and free of dirt, grease and loose particles. Remove all damaged and unsound concrete to expose a structurally resistant substrate. Before applying Maxgrip, wet the surface but do not leave free-standing water.


A 25 kg bag or pail of Maxgrip is mixed with between 3.5 to 4.0 litres of clean water, depending on the ambient conditions and the consistency required, either manually or mechanically by low speed drill (400 – 600 rpm). Maxgrip takes fifteen to twenty minutes to set, depending on the temperature. Mix only the amount of Maxgrip that can be applied within eight to ten minutes.


For optimum bonding, dampen the surface of the void with clean water, and apply Maxgrip into the void in successive layers up to 4 cm. each.
Between layers, wait ten to fifteen minutes, depending on the temperature. Scratch the surface with the trowel to make the next layer adheres firmly. If the different layers become warm wet the surface with cold water.

Application conditions.

Do not apply with temperatures below 5°C or if lower temperatures are expected during the 24 hours following the repair. Do not apply to frozen or frosted surfaces.


For better curing, once the job is finished cover with a wet cloth to protect from high temperature and sun.


Clean all tools and equipment immediately with water after use. Once MAXGRIP has hardened it can only be removed by mechanical methods.

How to Use Drizoro Maxgrip Pourable Anchoring Cement and Grouting

Drill holes in sound concrete large enough for the head and washer. If concrete is not sufficiently sound, drill the hole deeper.

To increase the strength mushroom the base of the hole by tilting the drill. Blow or vacuum out excess dust and wet sides of the hole to obtain proper bonding. Place anchor bolts, with a washer into the hole.

Mix enough material to fill the hole. Mix with clean water in a water/Maxgrip ratio of 1/ 6 approximately, about 3.75 to 4.25 litres of water per 25 kg. of material. In a small plastic bowl or other suitable container, mix to a pancake batter consistency.

Pour a little Maxgrip in the hole and work the bolt up and down a few times to eliminate any air bubbles. Pour in a balance of mix from one side to ensure even flow.
At 20°C, Maxgrip will set in 15 minutes, complete cure after 60 to 90 minutes and will strengthen as it cures, so allow more curing time for heavy machinery and other large installations.

For cold weather installations, heat holes before using Maxgrip. Do not add antifreeze solutions to mixing water. Store material in a warm place.

Recommendations For Drizoro Maxgrip Pourable Anchoring Cement

  1. The hole size should be 3 x the size of the bolt. This will ensure that the strength of the setting compares to the tensile strength of the mild steel bolt.
  2. Depth should be 5 x the diameter of the bolt or post.

Technical Data

Mortar Patching Method – Drizoro MaxgripTechnical-info-hole-size-strength-etc

Compressive strength (Kg./cm2)

after 90 min. :

at 24 hours :

after 7 days:

at 28 days

Kg./cm2 <p>

143 Kg./cm2

292 Kg./cm2

444 Kg./cm2

551 Kg./cm2

Pullout strength 22 mm bolt in 80 mm hole 1)
110 Kg./cm2
Set time l-Vicat 15 minutes.

Advantages of Drizoro Maxgrip for setting fixing bolts in Masonry

Read more about the benefits of using Drizoro Maxgrip to fix bolts into concrete & masonry here>>>

Anchoring Products from Drizoro – QUICK LINKS showing similar products to Maxgrip  Pourable Anchoring Cement.

Maxplug– Stops water instantly

Maxgrip – Maxgrip Pourable Anchoring Cement

Maxgrout – equipment fixing, anchors 

Watmat – fix gatic covers self levelling

Now you know How to Use Drizoro Maxgrip Mortar for Patching and fastening bolts. Only need to mix small amounts at a time. Use the link above to go to purchase page