Tag Archive for: water ingress

How to Seal Water Tanks That are Flexing -Stop Tanks Leaking

Why Waterproofing Design is Important

Why Waterproofing Design is Important Why Waterproofing design is crucial for several reasons. In the construction of new buildings or the maintenance and ongoing protection of all building structures involves the selection of the correct…
How to Stop a Basement Wall Leak,Maxseal Foundation will fix a Besser Block

How to Stop a Basement Wall Leak In Cracks

How to Stop a Basement Wall Leak in Cracks What Will You Need? MaxBrush | Chisel | Hammer | Compressed Air | Power sprayer | Repair Mortars | Maxjoint Elastic | Protective gloves, goggles and dust mask | Mortar trowel Whatever you use your…
Waterproofing Suspended concrete slab with drizoro Internal Waterproofing of your basement wall and garage slab roof
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How to Seal Leaking Block Walls in Your Basement

How to Seal Leaking Block Walls in Your Basement So How to Seal Leaking Block Walls in Your Basement. Basement waterproofing has been around since basements have been constructed below ground level and sometimes even below the water…
commercial property maintenance, Foundation failure

Commercial property maintenance

Commercial property maintenance Commercial property maintenance shouldn't be about reacting to large scale problems or emergencies. Instead, a good commercial property managers, have maintenance plan and are on the lookout for potential problems…
Concrete Waterproofing with Crystalline Technology
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Concrete Waterproofing with Crystalline Technology

Concrete Waterproofing with Crystalline Technology | Reducing Water Permeability into Concrete | Cost savings - Materials Use of Crystalline Waterproofing to Reduce Capillary Porosity in concrete Concrete is a highly important construction…
waterproofing lift-pits Leaks often occur at the floor wall joint Joint this with a coving


DRIZORO PRODUCTS BREATHE NEW LIFE INTO HERITAGE SILOS Concrete Silo Repairs Due to extensive concrete cancer, concrete silo repairs were necessary. The Developers specified Drizoro Maxrest and Maxseal products to restore a series of heritage-listed…
What to Use Concrete Flooring Excessive Moisture Issues
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Concrete Flooring Excessive Moisture Damage

What to do with Concrete Flooring Excessive Moisture Issues What to do with concrete flooring excessive moisture can lead to early failure of the concrete slab and any surface coating adhered to it. Prevent excessive moisture in concrete…
waterproofing lift-pits Leaks often occur at the floor wall joint Joint this with a coving

Rising Damp in your walls – What can you do?

What causes damp to rise in houses? Causes of damp – rising dampness. Mostly found on the ground floor. This localized dampness at the bottom of your walls. This where the name "rising damp" comes from. Moisture penetrates…
How a single skin block/masonry wall has high leak potential

Single Leaf Construction Waterproofing Concrete Masonry

Single Leaf Construction Waterproofing Concrete Masonry How to waterproof a building single leaf construction waterproofing concrete masonry. Building waterproofing, single leaf concrete masonry walls is efficient, economical, architecturally…
How Agricultural Drains Wreck Houses, Agricultural pipe without a grofabric sock,, aggie pipe

How Agricultural Drains Wreck Houses

How Agricultural Drains Wreck Houses January 21, 2017 Matthew Cornell How Agricultural Drains Wreck Houses. These agricultural drains are used by homeowners and engineers to improve house drainage. Agricultural drains are also known as Ag…
waterproofing lift-pits Leaks often occur at the floor wall joint Joint this with a coving

Creative Use of Sealtight Clear Sealer

 Uses of SealTight Clear Sealer The key Advantages of Sealtight Clear sealer are Protects weak and old substrates. Prevents blistering and deterioration of paints and does not contain oils or solvents. Does not require special…
waterproofing lift-pits Leaks often occur at the floor wall joint Joint this with a coving
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How to Waterproofing lift pits

How to Waterproofing lift pits – David Cook’s view Lift Pit Waterproofing Discussion Paper The author Dave Cook is the Managing director and senior surveyor of Cook Group Ltd Experienced in preservation & waterproofing industry…