How to Waterproof Basement Retaining Walls
Waterproofing Basement Retaining Wall Structures on the exterior or positive side of the Basement Wall
Drizoro Basement Waterproofing Materials required:
Drizoro Maxrest | Drizoro Maxseal Flex | Drizoro Maxseal Foundation | Drizoro Maxseal | Drizoro Maxjoint Elastic | Drizoro Maxmesh | Drizoro Maxplug | Drizoro Maxseal Express | Drizoro Maxseal Traffic
- Prepare treatment areas. Remove all loose material and efflorescence ensuring a clean and sound surface.
- Repair all surface damage with Drizoro Maxrest.
- Replace missing mortar with Drizoro Maxrest (no running water) or Drizoro Maxplug (running water)
- Apply Two coats Drizoro Maxseal Flex X 150mm cover over footing & wall joint incorporating Drizoro Maxmesh into the first coat
- Allow 14 hours minimum between coats.
- Rigid surfaces:-
Coat with two coats of Drizoro Maxseal Foundation | Drizoro Maxseal. Other rigid surface such as a wall. A 50mm overlap onto the cured Drizoro Maxseal Flex - Leave 4 to 7 days before backfilling if required
- Rain expected. (within 5 hrs do not apply)
- If backfilling space is an issue. ie. not enough space between wall and dig out area. The 2 coat system is applied to the wall as it is being constructed. The ideal choice is Maxseal Express
- Do not place plastic membrane or the like immediately after coating.
- Any external penetrations require Drizoro Maxplug and a coating of Drizoro Maxseal Flex incorporating Drizoro Maxmesh
Interior Cementitious Basement Waterproofing
How to Waterproof Basement Retaining Walls from the inside. The refurbishment of external basement waterproofing is difficult, if not impossible, and the cost is usually enormous. Excavation, making the excavation safe. Cost effective internal basement waterproofing. Prevents degradation of the wall ensuring longevity.
The need for using an interior repair to a basement wall is usually self-evident by the presence of:
- a persistent musty smell
- dampness in the wall
- presence of mould – not healthy
- effervescence salt build-up
- changes in the water table may cause seepage or leaking
Avoid Expensive Treatment Methods
Before attempting expensive repairs check to see if it’s just condensation on the wall rectified simply by dehumidifying the basement area. Note- incorrect runoff. Always direct runoff away from any walls. This is of greater concern in high rainfall areas.
Now Drizoro Construction Products provide the complete solution to waterproofing your Basement!
Drizoro Maxseal Traffic will stop water coming up through you basement floor. It is completely trafficable by all types of vehicles
No matter what arises to cause the problem of a damp or leaking basement. To prevent worse problems from developing, the best way forward is to fix it is to seal the wall completely using Drizoro Products Drizoro Maxseal Flex | Drizoro Maxseal Foundation | Drizoro Maxseal | Drizoro Maxjoint Elastic which can seal even high hydrostatic water pressure. Many recommend the use of sump pumps but according to David Cook’s
“This is a very common yet misguided solution that is used all over the country. The idea behind fitting a sump pump is born out of ignorance. The “you can’t stop it, pump it out” mentality is steeped in danger!”
In the first instance. You are breaking into a structurally designed reinforced concrete base. Slabs are designed to take certain loadings. Buildings walls and possibly other areas of the building. This raft WILL NOT have been designed for someone to come along and cut a hole into the concrete. Which will invariably involve exposing the steel reinforcing or worse cutting through it.”