Advantages and Disadvantages of Aerated Concrete

Advantages and disadvantages of aerated concrete

hebel-to-waterproof-Advantages and disadvantages of aerated concreteThere are two types of aerated concrete: non-autoclave and autoclave hardening. Advantages and disadvantages of aerated concrete are discussed below.

Thanks to presence lime, the quantity of cement used is lower, so, the cost of raw materials for manufacturing autoclave aerated concrete is lower than that of the non-autoclave one. Autoclave hardening ensures better strength of the aerated concrete than the non-autoclaved aerated concrete.

The following 6 advantages of autoclave and non-autoclave concrete can be identified for the construction:

  1. Economical efficiency of construction. The low cost of materials, as well as the large dimensions of blocks which have less weight ensure construction cost reduction. Less time required than laying bricks or blocks. Less weight less steel required.
  2. Low density, low thermal conductivity. Aerated concrete blocks have the density between 400 and 800 kg per cu.m and the thermal conductivity coefficient ranging between 0.1 and 0.21 W/(m*оС), that is why they are light and warm.
  3. Good acoustic protection. Thanks to its porous structure, aerated concrete ensures soundproofing 10 times better than a brick wall of the same thickness.
  4. Fire safety. Aerated concrete is a non-combustible, fire-resistant material, has the first class of fire-resistance, which exceeds the one of ordinary concrete.
  5. Vapor permeability. Thanks to its porous structure, aerated concrete has good vapor permeability. The vapor permeability coefficient is between 0.23 and 0.4 mg/(m*h*Pa).The houses made of aerated concrete “breathe”, and the microclimate inside is comfortable.
  6. Environmental friendliness. Aerated concrete contains natural, environmentally clean ingredients. The material does not release any harmful substances, does not age and is not prone to decompose. The background radiation is 9 to 11 µR/h. For reference: Australian receive about 1.5 – 2.0 ‘millisieverts’ of ionising radiation every year

 Waterproofing Hebel is critical, especially below grade or any area which subject constant moisture, to prevent early degradation of the AACMaxseal coatings used on AAC produce a decorative waterproof finish.

DIY or a professional can produce the desired effects.  Maxseal offers both cost effective and economical for protection of autoclaved aerated concrete. 

Now, let’s look through 6 disadvantages of aerated concrete:

  1. The production cost per unit for AAC Block is higher.
  2. Needs care during manufacture, so that final surface of the aerated concrete is not too smooth.  as this make it more difficult to apply finishes.
  3. due to high water absorption, finishes required to breath  to prevent environmental impact (weathering) on the aerated concrete, i.e. Cover autoclave aerated concrete with plaster, decorative facades, etc
  4. Efflorescence damage occurs through the high absorption and retention of water.  Because there millions of pores in the AAC, beside efflorescence, any expansion of the water retained in the AAC may cause cracking in the structure.
  5. Strength of AAC is reduced when wet and long term exposure to moisture will cause the disintegration of the material.
  6. Aggressive environments may be also a disadvantage to using AAC

Make sure that the advantages and disadvantages of aerated concrete usage meets the needs of your construction.

We recommend the us of Drizoro products to ensure the integrity of your AAC constructions

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The video shows this building in Bangkok. Built using Ytong AAC panels (similar to Hebel) and was leaking like a sieve. The builder selected Drizoro Maxseal Flex to waterproof the building. The job used 2 coats of Drizoro Maxseal Flex. The building no longer leaks.
Waterproofing Ytong panels protects them from further degradation and increases longevity.